Live, Trust & Love the Journey


Live the Journey

Life is a journey to be lived fully. It invites us all to choose to participate in our journey of learning and becoming. We offer three pathways through which to awaken and become more of your potential.


Trust the Journey

Life is a journey to be trusted fully. It encourages us all to lean into the necessary fear and suffering that comes with learning to be. We integrate scientific, psychological and spiritual wisdom to create courses that inspire.


Love the Journey

Life is a journey to be loved unconditionally. It asks us all to nurture our sacred and creative source within. We invite you to explore your alchemy of consciousness, perspectives on reality and embody the sacred within.

Transmutation: Alchemy of Consciousness

Transmutation is an introductory course based on Lee’s contribution to the book ‘Positive Psychology Across the Lifespan: An Existential Perspective’ by Routledge Publishing. Transmutation explores five psychospiritual perspectives on growth and the human life cycle including: Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, Dante’s Divine Comedy, Western Alchemy, Eastern Alchemy & Transpersonal Psychology.


Transformation: Perspectives on Reality

Transformation is a more in-depth course that extends ideas explored in Suzanne’s book ‘Everybody’ s Exceptional, Including You!’ by Chipmunka Publishing. Transformation examines three different ways of knowing reality through the metaphors of the Experiential Pilgrim, Conceptual Scientist and Integral Mystic. Each perspective illuminates more of the unknown that is Reality.


Metamorphosis: Embodying the Sacred

Metamorphosis is an opportunity to explore practices based on the understanding and knowledge from Transmutation and Transformation. A wide spectrum of practices are offered with trained practitioners, live individual and group sessions, and a library of recorded resources including techniques such as; breathwork, yoga, meditation, ecomindfulness, journaling and visualisations.


Start with your first step